Kicking out lights

2c Kicking out lights1System problems? Never fear when FarSoft support manager Darrell Cloete is on the job. The go-to person for typical ViTrax support queries, pivots and server installations, he not only enjoys helping clients, but derives enormous satisfaction when there’s happiness all around.

“Although the telephonic support via Team Viewer is a major part of my work, I also get to visit clients for on-site training, as well as work station and server installations. These visits are the highlight of my work routine,” he explained.

After matriculating from Worcester High, Darrell studied at CTI in Durbanville, graduating with a BSc in IT. He joined FarSoft in 2009 and left for 18 months in 2013. But luckily a lightbulb moment came when he realised that FarSoft was ‘home’. So, he returned with a bang.

After hours Darrell enjoys cycling and exploring nature with his Alsations Jessie and Bruno. Curries and spicy food are high on his list of favourite foods and his signature drink is an ice-cold beer.