Right on the money

“Invaluable!” is how Sonlia Fruit Packers financial manager Jacques Aldrich described the recent installation of ViTrax Money to its existing ViTrax system. “It’s provided us with far more accurate information about our producers’ expenses,” he said. A FarSoft client for close on...

A decade of QC

FarSoft recently celebrated the 10th anniversary of its ViTrax QC module going live at Chiltern Farms, Vyeboom. A valued client for 19 years, Chiltern started collaborating with FarSoft in 2008 to develop the QC module. Since the first pallet tracking installation in 1999, the 30...

Blueberry boon

Kicking off its ViTrax installation, United Packhouse in Johannesburg implemented the pallet tracking and bin tracking modules late last year. Part of United Exports, United Packhouse started operations August 2015 handling blueberries grown in the north of South Africa, as well...

New name, same superb service

With close on 22 operational years under its belt, FarSoft IT has evolved to become FarSoft Solutions (Pty) Ltd, with founder Freddie Roux and business manager Gerhard Nel as directors. But don’t fear, the trusted FarSoft heart, commitment and business ethic remain unchanged....