Titanic effort

Hot off the press is FarSoft’s integration of ViTrax with the PPECB’s Titan 2.0 at De Keur in Ceres. According to FarSoft project manager Darrell Cloete, this means that the PPECB now receives all relevant inspection data via one click on a tablet and if approved, the approval data is sent directly to ViTrax at De Keur. The entire process takes 2 minutes max, compared to the previous 30 minutes.

Darrell explained, “We did integrate Titan 1.0 with ViTrax a few years ago. But Titan 2.0 is a new kettle of fish.” FarSoft developer Reginald van Niekerk said the development work was done over six months, followed by testing for three weeks. “The integration itself only took a day, but subsequently extensive testing was conducted over a two-month period and the application finally went live in week 8.

Marius de Klerk, who’s in charge of the PPECB’s operational support, was extremely impressed with the entire integration process. “I’ve been dealing with FarSoft since 2014 and I must say, the support process and their work ethic were everything I’d come to know about the company. FarSoft really is right up there in terms of innovation and professionalism. They actually were the first vendor to go live on Titan 2.0 Online after integrating successfully.”

FarSoft director Gerhard Nel thanked De Keur for their involvement. He said, “We’re excited to roll out this functionality to our other clients.”

To sign up for integrating ViTrax with the PPECB’s Titan 2.0, please contact the FarSoft office for an implementation discussion and cost estimate on 021 8736000.

Smiles of success: PPECB’s Arnold Danies, Poliena Baartman of De Keur Vrugte, PPECB’s Bongani Mlohngo and Marius de Klerk, plus FarSoft’s Darrell Cloete.

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