Celebrating a decade x 4

They say the first 10 years at a company are the hardest, but for Hanneke Alberts, Ben Louw, Mariska Cubitt and Darrell Cloete the past decade at FarSoft passed in a flash with many highs. To put it in perspective, they each notched up a total of 120 months, which accounts for...
Green Valley Nuts

Turning QC on its head

By trying something new with Karsten Group’s Green Valley Nuts, FarSoft managed to change ViTrax QC radically after all these years. ‘Nuts just happen to be the first commodity to use the dynamic control-based QC,’ said FarSoft’s Mariska Cubitt. ‘The possibilities are now...

Thumbs up for ViTrax Android QC

A ViTrax devotee since 2003, Graaff Fruit recently upped the stakes when they converted the quality control module to accommodate Android handheld devices. And all credit goes to quality control manager Hanna Visser who spearheaded this switch. She said, “Although we’d been using...